Explore Our Parent Groups

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Come together and build community with our complimentary parent groups!

Giraffe Dads Group

The purpose of the Giraffe Dads group is to provide on-going support focusing on parenting, co-parenting, dealing with self-expression, and how to maintain a healthy lifestyle. It’s a chance for men to speak freely with other men and not be judged, all in a confidential environment.

We will meet the fourth Thursday of each month from 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm.

Monthly Parent Meet-Up

Join our free parent meet-up the second Tuesday of every month from 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm.

What to expect during our Parent Meet-Up:

  • Parenting tips of the month
  • A space to connect with other parents
  • Receive beneficial resources

New Group!
Prenatal Parents

Join our comprehensive program designed to support expecting parents, whether pregnant or via surrogate, in mastering daily self-care routines, preparing for your new baby’s arrival, and accessing invaluable resources for a confident and fulfilling parenthood journey.